Data management plan for liquid and vapour isotope measurements
From farlabprotocols
This data management plan comprises the generation, processing and storage of data files from liquid and vapour isotope measurements with Picarro instruments at FARLAB.
1. Data flow for Liquid water isotope measurements
- Each project registered in the projects data base will have its associated files located in a subfolder on the FARLAB volume according to the naming scheme farlab/Projects/<YYYY>/<YYYY-ID-PI> where YYYY is the year the project was registered, ID is the FARLAB project ID assigned by the FARLAB project data base, and PI is a two-letter code indicating the handling FARLAB member.
- Injection result files (*.csv format) are generated on Instrument PC and stored in folder C:\Picarro\IsotopeData
- Injection result files are synced routinely every ca. 10 min to a backup volume from LAB-IT (smb://uib; A script routinely synchonizes the data files to the farlab volume, mounted on, at path /Data/gfi/projects/farlab.
- For each run, liquid injection data have to be calibrated manually with the program FLIIMP. FLIIMP (currently in version 1.3) is shared on the UiB git repository.
- All the data files resulting from FLIIMP calibration, contained in a folder created by FLIIMP, and including the accouting, standards, results, and all file (*.csv format), the calibration report (*.html format), images (*.png) and settings files for each run (*.mat) should be located on the FARLAB volume in the respective projects folder.
- The processed samples are imported to the FARLAB database either manually using the Samples and Results import link, or with the corresponding upload link in the FLIIMP (forthcoming V1.4).
Data flow for Water vapour isotope measurements